Remember that water stop you so desperately needed to make it through the last mile? Or the turn arrow that kept you on course? More than likely, you have John Bornhorst to thank for that. As part of the HMF race operations team, John is one of the valuable staffers that help make it all work on race day. Learn a little more about him, and say hi next time you catch him on race day!
John Bornhorst – HMF race operations team
Role on race day: Operations support, setting up every tent, sign, piece of fencing, water stops, mile markers, turn arrows, all the pieces that go together to make a race great.

Started volunteering in the fall of 2007 and became part of the staff in the spring of 2010.
What’s your running style:
This year, I’m finally getting back on the road after a few years off thanks to the HMF 5K training group getting me up and running on Saturday mornings! Slow and steady is my style, not a fast runner but love the feeling of getting in a good 5-6 miles to sweat the world away.
Favorite HMF race you've worked and why:
Besides the Hartford Marathon, I love the different scramble races we run during the summer. It’s great to see everyone come out after work, have fun with a theme, and get to enjoy good music, food and a cold beer along the Riverfront.
All-time best race experience:
Working the race for Sandy Hook was a memorable day. It was great to see 15,000 runners together for such a good cause.
Night before or race day prep ritual:
For the really early set up times, making sure multiple alarms are set and coffee pot is programmed to start up early. I pride myself on never being late…
Most challenging race day moments:
The weather, if it’s not the cold or too there is always the wind. But we always seem to make it work and overall we’ve been really lucky the last few years.
Most inspiring race day moments:
Listening to Lt. Kevin McCarthy sing the national anthem at many of our events. He has an amazing voice.
What most people don’t know about to make an event successful:
There is a lot of organized chaos.
Cooking, and baking during the holidays. I'm also a fan of birthdays and continuous surprises to make people’s days...
All time favorite food indulgence:
ANYTHING w/ dark chocolate, Wellfleet oysters, Maid-Rite hamburgers made in Greenville, OH
What makes you get up in the morning:
The MORNING, I am truly a morning person and love to start the I like to say to many “sleeping in is so over rated”