Proper warm up and post-race stretching can go a long way to keep you healthy. A team from Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network will be joining us again at next weekend’s Amica Iron Horse Half Marathon, 10K and 5K in Simsbury to provide on-site services and answer your questions on training, injury prevention and recovery. The team is trained in running assessment, foot type analysis as well as identifying areas that may be more susceptible to injury or over use syndromes.
Tomorrow, you can have access to the Senior Sports Medicine Physical Therapist for Hartford HealthCare Rehabilitation Network. Stefanie Bourassa DPT, MSPT, CSCS, will be available LIVE from 2:30-3:30 pm to answer your questions on Twitter. How do I train through an ankle injury? What are the best stretches for a tight IT Band? And a hundred other questions…
Just send your question in either of the following ways - two randomly selected people who submit a question on Twitter and Facebook will each receive a free HMF Events training shirt:
Just send your question in either of the following ways - two randomly selected people who submit a question on Twitter and Facebook will each receive a free HMF Events training shirt:
- Tweet a question to us at @runHMF using #askHMF
- Post a question on our Facebook page using #askHMF (either on our wall or comment to the post)
Areas of expertise include:
- Dynamic Stretch Warmup
- Post-exercise Stretching
- Plyometric-type (Jumping) Drills
- ACL injury prevention
- Hamstring Strengthening
- Core Strengthening
- Foot Biomechanics
- Shoe Analysis
Stefanie will answer all questions and we’ll be sure to provide her response on Twitter live as well as in reply to your comments posted here or on Facebook.