Transitioning to longer distances is both a physical and a mental process. I’ve seen plenty of good, bad and ugly ways to do it.
I’ve bonked a few times and it’s not pretty. I have found the secret to not bonking again is good nutrition - a good balance of carbs and protein. When during a long run, at about mile 18, you start to see little green men or feel like you are running in clown shoes, grab a good candy bar quick. Or drink down a glass of orange juice. You need carbohydrates pronto!
In the mid-18th century when I began running, I found the 3-mile mark to be my first threshold to conquer. Once beyond 3 miles, I focused on 5 miles. After I accomplished that distance, it became easier to add mileage. I think it was the psychological barriers more than physical efforts. Once I conquered 5 miles, I was a runner in my own mind. So, more distance became a function of training. Adding 10% to my weekly long run got me to the 12 mile distance. After that, I added 10% every two weeks in order to give my muscles a chance to recover and repair.

It’s funny. When you go out for an 8 mile run, it feels like a long run. And it is! But when you are running a marathon and you get to the 18 mile mark, you think “only 8 more to go. Piece of cake!” That is mind over matter.
The most enjoyable way to increase distance is to do it with a group or with a training buddy. The miles go by quickly and you make great friends.
And finally, drink lots of water. Hydrate!
For more information about Hartford Marathon Foundation training groups, please visit . Training programs for the Shamrock 3.3 and the Amica Iron Horse 10k start this weekend!
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