Friday, September 13, 2013

Medical Seminar for Runners

Medical response and emergency preparedness plans are vital aspects of every race we put on. We’re fortunate to have a long-standing relationship with Hartford Hospital for our ING Hartford Marathon medical team support. In addition to race day support, we’re working together this year to help our athletes better understand the impact of endurance running on their bodies BEFORE a medical need.

We are proud to announce our first ever Medical Seminar for Runners. Together with Hartford Hospital and the University of Hartford, we welcome runners to learn from and ask questions of a panel of well-informed speakers - Beth Parker, PhD, Doug Casa, PhD, Rich Wood, PhD, and Paul Thompson, MD. The afternoon symposium will provide insight into the human body and how it responds and reacts to running.

Medical Seminar for Runners
Friday, October 11, 2013

Schedule of events:
3:30-4: What Happens When We Run Long? Updates and Insights from Marathon Studies
Beth Parker, PhD, Director of Exercise Physiology Research, Hartford Hospital, and Director of the Center for Health, Care and Well-being, University of Hartford

4-4:30: Heat Stroke Considerations for Marathons and Medical Tents
Doug Casa, PhD, Professor, Department of Kinesiology, University of Connecticut, and Chief Operating Officer, Korey Stringer Institute

4:30-5: Feeding the Performing Muscle
Rich Wood, PhD, Director of Applied Exercise Science, Springfield College

5-5:30: For the Love of Running: Exercise and the Heart
Paul Thompson, MD, Director of Cardiology, Hartford Hospital

Cost: $10.00 (includes all four seminars) Click here to register today! 

This event is sponsored by the Center for Healthy, Care and Well-being in the Institute for Translational Research in the College of Education, Nursing and Health Professions at the University of Hartford, Department of Preventative Cardiology, Hartford Hospital, and Hartford Marathon Foundation.


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